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- Full Day/Night cycle, with custom duration for both day and night.

- Easy to setup Weather presets

- Full ambient lighting control thoughout the day

- Full control over fog, Including: density, colour, and volume

- Control the power of your wind, and particles

- Seamless blending between different weather; including its lighting, fog, particle systems, wind, and sound.

- Easy to implement into any project. With fully commented scripts, designed for maximum optimisation and project compatibility.

- Weather presets are saved as assets, to easily drag and drop into the inspector

- Switch weathers in a single line of code,with automatic, smooth transitions between presets.

- Location system, easily setup your weather types to only occur in certain areas.

- Developer updates, based on user's suggestions.


- Full, and detailed documentation on how to use, and make the most of WeatherBasic.

- All scripts and tools for full use of the asset.

- Clear, foggy, rain and snow presets already setup for use in project, with particle effects and sounds.

- Demo scene, displaying the easy setup for the weather system.

- Prefabs to drop into your own scene, and have weather working instantly.

- Particle textures for your particle systems.

- Ambient loops for your custom weather presets.

- Support from the developer.

Terrifying Storms

Gloomy Mists

Incinerating Sandstorms

Clear Skies

Freezing Blizzards

Intoxicating Radiation Storms

Contrasting Sunsets

Alien Atmospheres

Endless other possibilities

WeatherZone has now been released on the Unity Asset Store.

Get WeatherZone Now

WeatherZone has been designed for the purpose of having an easy to implement and control weather system for your Unity Projects. It has been programmed, and documented to provide maximum help to implement, and alter the functionality to fit seamlessly into your project your project.

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